Style Sheet For Essays


English 6A
Mr. Moran

1. All essays are to be typed/word-processed and printed in black ink.

2. Font size must be 12 pt.

3. Times New Roman is the required font.

4. Margins must be 1 inch top and bottom; 1.1 inches right and left.

5. All essays are to be double-spaced.

6. Use a standard paragraph indent for the first line of each paragraph.

7. All essays must be submitted with a detailed outline in traditional form. Essays submitted without an outline will be returned to the student without a grade.

8. Essays handed in after the due date may be penalized half a grade for each day that they are late.

9. Any kind of copying or plagiarism will result in a failing grade on the paper.

10. Essay rewrites must be submitted with the graded original assignment.

11. Standard formal English is required. Contractions and slang are not permitted.