Handout #4: Paragraph Assignment


Mr. Moran

Following the examples from class , write one good paragraph with a clear topic sentence at the beginning, at least four body sentences, and a clear and non-repetitive conclusion on talking on a cell phone in public. (Longman, p.21)

The exact topic is:

Think about a positive or negative experience that you had with someone talking on his or her cell phone in a public place.Maybe the caller was helping someone. or maybe the caller was communicating information that was too personal in public. Write a paragraph discussing this experience, and be sure to assert whether or not you think that cell phone use in public is a good or bad thing.

1) Remember that the topic sentence must express a point of view and that it must be personal. Do NOT write facts. Relate something that you yourself personally have experienced or know about your cell phones in public.

Examples: BAD:
a. Many people use cell phones in public.
b. Cell phones are interesting..

c. Cell phone use in public is a bad idea.
d. There are several good reasons to use a phone in public..

2) Follow the process described in class. Begin broadly, narrow it down to a more specific topic, decide what you want to say, and write a topic sentence articulating the point you will prove.

3) Body sentences should be sufficient to prove your point clearly.

4) Conclusion should re – STATE, not rePEAT the topic.

Remember that this is a PARAGRAPH and not yet an essay – no separate introduction and conclusion.